Page 8 HIGH GEAR, April, 1975
NCAA Swimming/Diving Championships at
Get Ready...
The action was fast as toned muscles and lean bodies broke American records in seven major swimming and diving events here.
The place was the CSU Natatorium in downtown Cleveland, the site of the 1975 National Collegiate Athletic Association Swimming and Diving Championships. Collegiates, representing 40 U.S. colleges and universities, plunged into nearly one million gallons of water as they competed in over 15 major events in CSU's 50-meter competition pool.
Over 150 beautifully built men and one determined woman competed in aquatic skills before ABCTV cameras in one of the most dramatic events held in Cleveland yet this year.
Each evenings' events started at 7:30 p.m., with swimmers and divers preparing an hour earlier as they relaxed their tense muscles. Along with the usual push-ups, sit-ups and jogging in place exercises, many guys applied vibro-pressure and psycho-power to their arms and legs. If muscles were still tight, a massage table was near by.
In the midst of all the action and excitement of the event, our photographer captured a few shots for all to see.
Photos by John Klein
On Your Mark...